Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Portfolio 4

One of the problem I met when writing my engineering essay is how to write more academicly. To write more academicly, there are two important factors, vocabulary and organization.

Vocabulary is the basic unit of an essay. The choice of word is the key to determine the accuracy of the meaning. Bad choice of vocabulary leads to misunderstanding, while good word choosing improves the expressing of the essay. As we know, academic essay needs high accuracy of meaning expressing. Little difference of words may make a large distance of meaning when writing academic essays.

Organization is another important factor which helps in writing in academic essay. Different kinds of essay requires different block or essay organization styles. For example, argumentative essay follows the order of organization: introduction, body paragraph with rebuttal to opponents’ views, and summary or conclusion. Good styles of organization make a shortcut to guide readers to know what the author want to say and help the readers to understand better.

To write an accurate and well-organised article, I need to pay more attention to my word using and paragraph structure. Certainly, practise makes perfect. I have to write more to gain exeperience.


Nguyen Sy Nguyen said...

I also have the same difficulties when dealing with writing academic essay. Choosing appropriate technical terms and the organization of the essay is very important, as what you said. So, try to practice as much as you can and things will be better.

YIKUAN said...

I agree with you two because I am facing the same problem too. writng is a long process which improves very slow so please be patient and practice more.